Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Springtime in Texas

Spring is such a fun season. Flowers are blooming all around, temperatures are bearable, rain is replenishing the earth, the grass is green and people are generally happy. It's really hard to be inside working during the week when the outdoors are so inviting during this season. 

Here are a few things I've done so far this spring.
I got 26 daisies in 1 day. They make me so happy!
Gave Kallie a warm weather haircut. She so cute.
Having daisies in my yard is so awesome. Free decorations!
Granny gave me this Easter lily when she came to visit for Easter.
Ran the Blue Bell 10K with Lynette. Free ice cream at the end is always worth it.
Made a tiffany wreath for mom.
Helped my friend Shely make her first wreath. It turned out awesome!
What have you been up to this spring??

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

From Jake's Workshop

Jacob is such a great husband. He made this headboard for us with his own two hands. He got the idea from Ana White's Blog. It's a Pottery Barn headboard that sells for $699 retail! I think he made it for around $100. Go hubby!
Here's how it looks in our bedroom. He had the side tables in college and they are a perfect match. Nice!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A British Sunshine Blanket

My good friends Claire and Paul live in England and they are expecting their first child in May! 

They are not going to find out the gender of the baby since it is English tradition not to. I would be so anxious to find out, but they are taking it all in stride. Such good parents already. :) 

For now, they are referring to their little one as BeeBee H. (their last name is Haythornthwaite).

I made a Winnie the Pooh sunshine blanket for BeeBee H. so that he or she would have a little piece of me in his or her life.

I am so excited for you Claire and Paul, and I know that you are going to be fantastic parents!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Spring Wreath for Mom

I made this oh so cute wreath for my mom for spring and I want to steal it! It's white and Tiffany blue. I followed the tutorial here!

Kinda blurry, but the final product.
Mom and I both like the rustic look so I didn't spray paint the wreath white like the tutorial said to. I used flannel fabric for the rolled flowers. I had no idea how much time it would take to trace, cut and roll the flowers. Let me tell you, it took 30 minutes to do 2 flowers. I could not have done this in 1 day. But the fabulousness of this wreath is worth the time and effort! Don't you agree?