Chairs are all set up and ready for commencement.

The cousins minus Kirby.

One of the residential colleges, aka dorms. Think Harry Potter. Griffendor, Slitherin, etc. Same concept. Ryan's was called Ezra Stiles.

Secret garden leading to the headmaster's door.

Church building on campus

Just an example of one of the masterpieces on the side of a building. You could find something unique and random on most any building at Yale. The architecture is intriguing.

Engineering Building + 4 engineers = dorky picture

One of the many ceremonies we attended for Ryan. This one was for his residential college.

YALE ice sculpture at one of the many receptions we attended.

Way to go Ryan! You're smarter than us all.

Rob and I are so proud.

Amazing Library

Entry hall of the library. Not too shabby.

A huge quiet study room in the library. The shelves were made of wood with intricate carvings.

This hallway in the library had the coolest ceiling.

GILMORE! If you know me at all, you know that I never missed an episode of Gilmore Girls back in the day. Rory went to Yale in the show so I was in hog heaven walking around the same campus she walked on. I am nerd.

Neato door at the library. Could have been in Harry Potter.

Me and Ryan in the garden at the library.

Dad in the library testing out an old moving desk. Is that what you call it?