So I'm working on being a domesticated wife and so far it's going pretty well. I haven't set anything on fire yet. Last year, I made a stocking for Jake that had deer and camo. It's a little wompy jomp, but it works. This year I decided to make my own Christmas Tree Skirt. Now, that is a big job, let me tell you. For someone who has limited sewing experience, it was a bumpy ride. My grandma showed me a few things about the old Singer sewing machine that I have and I'm sooooo thankful for that. I would have had no clue how to use it. It ran like a champ though!
I found a vendor on called the Red Marionette and I love her creations. She charges high dollar for them and I now know why. She makes these cute felt animals that I just fell in love with. I didn't want to pay $9.50 for a felt owl, so I tried making one myself. It turned out so cute and I gained confidence. I picked some winter-like animals and forged on with my Christmas Tree Skirt project. Below is the final product.

Cast of characters: Flash, Waddles, Hootie and Chilly
I'm impressed! :)