My super awesome cousin Robin asked me to make her a Christmas tree skirt after she saw the one I made for my tree (
see it in this post). After much deliberation, I decided to go in a completely different direction from the skirt that I made for myself. I got her approval to make a skirt similar to the one
here. I really like the ruffled look, but wanted to make 100% sure it was what she wanted. She said yes and asked for it in light green. Here's what I came up with.
The tutorial I found said to glue the fabric, but that was not fun to clean off of my tile floor so I switched to sewing very early on. So glad I did. The stitches will be more durable than the glue and sewing was way faster. Sweet.
I'm figuring out some neato things that I can do with my phone camera. All of my pics are taken with my phone since my digital is pretty outdated. Original is on the left. Snazzed up is on the right.